Ban on single-use plastic from 2021


Cutlery, plates, plastic stirrers and to-go drink cups will no longer be allowed in the future.


Just a coffee to-go or lunch away from home, more and more packaging is used and thrown away. Unfortunately not always in the trash…
The packaging waste then ends up in nature and only rots after about 6,000 years (cannot be measured precisely). We are therefore damaging our environment with disposable packaging.
According to NABU (Nature Conservation Association Germany e.V.), the waste balance in 2017 was more than 350,000 tons of disposable waste.
From July 3, 2021, the production of single-use plastic will no longer be permitted across the EU. Supermarkets are already gradually reducing their sales of single-use plastic or banning them from stores. The law
The federal government is now presenting the regulation to the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. Only then can it come into force.
And how can we avoid single-use plastic?
There are environmentally friendly alternatives to many products made from single-use plastic, such as wooden cutlery. The daily coffee to-go can also be replaced with your own cup.
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